Results for 'Leone Gioacchino Sera'

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  1. On the tracks of life.Leone Gioacchino Sera - 1909 - New York,: J. Lane company. Edited by J. M. Kennedy, [From Old Catalog] & Oscar Levy.
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  2. Actitud de La Obra de Arte.Malena León - 2021 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 25 (1):91-124.
    We aim to develop a take on the meaning of works of art that builds on Dennett’s view on the nature of intentionality, namely, that the intentionality exhibited by mental phenomena is not original, but derived. Regarding the meaning of works of art, theories that hold that the meaning is determined by the intentions of the author when creating the work are considered intentionalist. Adopting the view of derived intentionality implies that it is no longer possible to maintain that the (...)
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    La posición de John Stuart Mill en relación al problema de Hume: la justificación de la inferencia inductiva y la naturaleza del principio de inducción.Ana Pía León Miranda - 2016 - Discusiones Filosóficas 17 (29):35-51.
    El presente artículo tiene como objetivo analizar y reconstruir la postura de John Stuart Mill respecto del problema de la inducción. Mostraremos que Mill si bien conoció las objeciones de Hume, no se refiere a ellas en gran medida porque para él la justificación de la inducción es posible. La hipótesis principal será probada por medio de dos tesis: la primera, alude a la evasión de la argumentación circular respecto de la justificación de la inferencia inductiva; y la segunda, refiere (...)
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    Vidal, Vanessa. Esto no tiene sentido. La interpretación materialista del arte. Universitat de València, 2021. 235 pp. [REVIEW]Irene León Tribaldos - 2022 - Ideas Y Valores 71:239-241.
    RESUMEN Existe una línea temática moderna que vincula el trabajo sobre las fuentes clásicas del 3er conde de Shaftesbury con el mosaico filosófico que más tarde desarrollará Johann Georg Hamann: se trata del "proyecto socrático", que aparece en el primero bajo la idea de unas Chartae socraticae y será motivación para que Hamann recoja el testigo en sus Memorabilia socratica. Se rastrea las raíces shaftesburianas del Sócrates de Hamann -surgidas de su lectura y traducción de juventud: Sensus communis y Carta (...)
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  5. Présuppositions linguistiques et enjeux philosophiques des paralogismes liés à la forme de l’expression dans les Réfutations sophistiques d’Aristote.Leone Gazziero - 2016 - In Godart-Wendling Béatrice & Raïd Layla (eds.), B. Godart-Wendling et L. Raïd (éd.), A la recherche de la présupposition, London, Iste Editions, 2016. Iste. pp. 33-52.
    Pour des raisons essentiellement liées à la vocation des textes où la notion de présupposition a fait son apparition, c’est la présupposition d’existence qui s’est imposée la première à l’attention des philosophes du langage. Elle a également déterminé l’orientation des débats en les focalisant sur quelques problèmes traditionnels, au premier chef desquels le problème de l’absence de référence de certaines expressions et celui des imperfections du langage naturel. Contrairement aux noms propres et aux descriptions définies, les termes qui signifient des (...)
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  6. "Utrum figura dictionis sit fallacia in dictione. et quod non videtur". A Taxonomic Puzzle or how Medieval Logicians Came to Account for an Odd Question by an Impossible Answer.Leone Gazziero - 2016 - In de Libera Alain, Cesalli Laurent & Goubier Frédéric (eds.), A. de Libera, L. Cesalli et F. Goubier (éd.), Formal Approaches and Natural Language in Medieval Logic. Barcelona - Roma, Fédération Internationale des Instituts d’Etudes Médiévales. pp. 239-267.
    One of the singularities of Latin exegesis of Aristotle’s Sophistici elenchi, is that it arbitrarily brought together two families of fallacies, the «figure of speech» and the «accident», despite the fact that they are on either side of the divide between sophisms related to expression and sophisms independent of expression, a divide that lays at the heart of Aristotle’s taxonomy of sophistic arguments. What is behind this surprising identification? The talk is meant to show that it actually originates from a (...)
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    Education and development.Leone Burton - 1969 - British Journal of Educational Studies 17 (2):129-145.
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    Resemblance and camouflage in Graeco-Roman antiquity.Massimo Leone - 2010 - Sign Systems Studies 38 (1/4):167-184.
    In the twenty-eighth book of the Naturalis Historia Pliny the Elder claims that, if a chameleon’s left leg is roasted together with a herb bearing the same name, and everything is mixed with ointment, cut in lozenges, and stored in a wooden little box, this will bestow on those who own it a perfect camouflage. The ring of Gyges (Plato, etc.), that of Midas (Pliny), the heliotropium (Pliny), the dracontitis (Philostratus): ancient cultures abound with references to objects, recipes, and techniques (...)
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    From Fingers to Faces: Visual Semiotics and Digital Forensics.Massimo Leone - 2020 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 34 (2):579-599.
    Identification is a primary need of societies. It is even more central in law enforcement. In the history of crime, a dialectics takes place between felonious attempts at concealing, disguising, or forging identities and societal efforts at unmasking the impostures. Semiotics offers specialistic skills at studying the signs of societal detection and identification, including those of forensics and criminology. In human history, no sign more than the face is attached a value of personal identity. Yet, modern forensics realizes that the (...)
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    Introduction to the semiotics of belonging.Massimo Leone - 2012 - Semiotica 2012 (192):449-470.
    The article proposes a phenomenological and semiotic theoretical framework for the intelligibility of the meaning of belonging, one of the most fundamental concepts in present-day cultures and societies. After defining belonging as a spatial enunciation that brings about 1) the frontiers of a space of belonging; 2) the consequent opposition between an environment of belonging and one of non-belonging; and 3) the relation between, on the one hand, the subject of enunciation and, on the other hand, the opposition /environment of (...)
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    Humility Expression and its Effects on Moral Suasion: An Empirical Study of Ocasio-Cortez’s Communication.Giovanna Leone, Ernestina Lamponi, Peter Bull & Francesca D’Errico - 2022 - Human Affairs 32 (1):101-117.
    Humble leadership can be described as a positive psychological feature that allows leaders to admit their limitations, be open to new ideas, and give a voice to others while also recognizing their merits. The present study (n = 268 participants) explored the persuasive effects of a female politician communicating a humble stance by considering the role emotional displays at play (joy, calmness, sadness, and anger) when discussing a moral issue (hosting immigrants). The results revealed that the politician elicited positive emotions (...)
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    Introduction.Massimo Leone - 2021 - Sign Systems Studies 49 (3-4):270-278.
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    Emotions and decision making: Regulatory focus moderates the influence of anticipated emotions on action evaluations.Luigi Leone, Marco Perugini & Richard Bagozzi - 2005 - Cognition and Emotion 19 (8):1175-1198.
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    Propaganda mala fide: Towards a comparative semiotics of violent religious persuasion.Massimo Leone - 2015 - Semiotica 2015 (207):631-655.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Semiotica Jahrgang: 2015 Heft: 207 Seiten: 631-655.
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    Memory reconsolidation keeps track of emotional changes, but what will explain the actual “processing”?Antonio Pascual-Leone & Juan Pascual-Leone - 2015 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 38.
    We question memory reconsolidation and emotional arousal as sufficient determinants of therapeutic change. Generating new feelings and meanings must be contrasted with activating and stabilizing the evolving memories that reflect those novel experiences. Some therapeutic changes are not attributable to a memory model alone. “Emotional processing” is also needed and is often an undeclared form of complex executive problem solving.
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    Time drawings: Spatial representation of temporal concepts.María Juliana Leone, Alejo Salles, Alejandro Pulver, Diego Andrés Golombek & Mariano Sigman - 2018 - Consciousness and Cognition 59:10-25.
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    Indexes: Cultural Nature and Natural Culture.Massimo Leone - 2021 - Rivista di Estetica 76:112-129.
    Umberto Eco’s essential contribution to semiotics consisted in finding a theoretical equilibrium between deconstructive tendencies, aiming at presenting cultural habits as pure conventional but naturalized products, and motivational trends, claiming the natural fundament of constructed cultural habits. Fully comprehending and turning into analytical frame the concept of sign in Charles S. Peirce was instrumental to reach such equilibrium. In no other aspect of Umberto Eco’s semiotics it manifests itself with more evidence than in the characterization of indexes. The article seeks (...)
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    Religious conversion and identity: the semiotic analysis of texts.Massimo Leone - 2004 - New York: Routledge.
    The way in which people change and represent their spiritual evolution is often determined by recurrent language structures. Through the analysis of ancient and modern stories and their words and images, this book describes the nature of conversion through explorations of the encounter with the religious message, the discomfort of spiritual uncertainty, the loss of personal and social identity, the anxiety of destabilization, the reconstitution of the self and the discovery of a new language of the soul.
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    Logic programming and knowledge representation—The A-Prolog perspective.Michael Gelfond & Nicola Leone - 2002 - Artificial Intelligence 138 (1-2):3-38.
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    Awareness modifies the skill-learning benefits of sleep.Edwin M. Robertson, Alvaro Pascual-Leone & Daniel Z. Press - 2004 - Current Biology 14 (3):208-212.
  21. The Philosophy of Love.Leone Ebreo, F. Friedeberg-Seeley & Jean H. Barnes - 1938 - Philosophy 13 (49):116-117.
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    The Effects of Animacy and Syntax on Priming: A Developmental Study.Leone Buckle, Elena Lieven & Anna L. Theakston - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Help! Is There a Semiotician on the Plane?Massimo Leone - 2017 - American Journal of Semiotics 33 (1/2):113-130.
    “Please, we urgently need a semiotician!” is certainly not the most common request heard in a situation of emergency, yet a time may come when we realize that there are cases that a physician (or another scientist) cannot effectively deal with.Two passengers fight over the same space on a plane, to the point that the pilot is obliged to land and have the two contenders get off at the closest airport. Each of the humanities has a specific way to frame (...)
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    A comparison of structural CSP decomposition methods.Georg Gottlob, Nicola Leone & Francesco Scarcello - 2000 - Artificial Intelligence 124 (2):243-282.
  25. Exempla docent. How to Make Sense of Aristotle’s Examples of the Fallacy of Accident (Doxography Matters).Leone Gazziero - 2015 - Acta Philosophica 24 (2):333-354.
    Scholarly dissatisfaction with Aristotle’s fallacy of accident has traditionally focused on his examples, whose compatibility with the fallacy’s definition has been doubted time and again. Besides a unified account of the fallacy of accident itself, the paper provides a formalized analysis of its several examples in Aristotle’s Sophistici elenchi. The most problematic instances are dealt with by means of an internal reconstruction of their features as conveyed by Aristotle’s text and an extensive survey of their interpretation in the Byzantine and (...)
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    Znaczenie, recepcja i konsekwencje filozoficzne encykliki "Aeterni Patris" w kontekście pytania o filozofię chrześcijańską.Jacek Grzybowski - 2020 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 56 (4):225-255.
    Dziewiętnaste stulecie to jeden z najbogatszych w wydarzenia i treści okresów historii myśli ludzkiej. Jeśli popatrzymy na ten czas pod kątem wydarzeń o znaczeniu ideowym, to uzmysłowimy sobie, że symbolicznie otwiera je wielka rewolucja francuska, a kończy wybuch I wojny światowej. Naukowe teorie i filozoficzne przesłania, jakie zrodziły się w tym okresie – kantyzm, heglizm, materializm, marksizm, społeczny i biologiczny ewolucjonizm, pozytywizm, radykalny ateizm – wypełniły uniwersyteckie sale wykładowe, gabinety polityczne i izby parlamentów. Nie wszyscy żyjący wówczas intelektualiści zdawali sobie (...)
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    Il dibattito tardo-medievale sulla povertà francescana e sul diritto di proprietà.Marialucrezia Leone - 2003 - Quaestio 3 (1):495-499.
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  28. Confines de lo político.José Antonio Rivas Leone - 1999 - Telos (Venezuela) 1 (1):193-195.
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    Nature and culture in visual communication: Japanese variations on Ludus Naturae.Massimo Leone - 2016 - Semiotica 2016 (213):213-245.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Semiotica Jahrgang: 2016 Heft: 213 Seiten: 213-245.
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    João Paulo Monteiro, Realidade e Cognição, IN-CM, Lisboa, 2004, pp. 131.Carlos Leone - 2005 - Cultura:249-250.
    Ao cabo de toda uma carreira universitária que quase pode ser confundida com a reflexão sobre Hume em língua portuguesa, a ponto de outros interesses, capazes de originar empresas como a tradução do Leviathan de Hobbes (também na INCM), serem como que laterais ao percurso do seu autor, João Paulo Monteiro publica Realidade e Cognição, uma obra que não se afasta dos domínios de gnoseologia e epistemologia contemporâneas que lhe são familiares nem da influência humeana que aqui surge explicitam...
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    Mirrors, Selfies, and Alephs: A Semiotics of Immobility Travelogues.Massimo Leone - 2021 - Cultura 18 (2):113-137.
    The article focuses on past epidemics and previous confinements, looking for the art of journeying through immobility. It rekindles the plague that ravaged the city of Turin in the 1630s, as well as Xavier de Maistre who, confined in the military citadel in 1790, wrote the Voyage autour de ma chambre, perhaps the first example of modern ‘anodeporics’, a neologism to designate immobility travelogues. The essay then explores other pandemics and subsequent attempts at imitating De Maistre. First, it concentrates on (...)
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    The frowning balance: Semiotic insinuations on the visual rhetoric of justice.Massimo Leone - 2017 - Semiotica 2017 (216):41-62.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Semiotica Jahrgang: 2017 Heft: 216 Seiten: 41-62.
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    The hybrid face: paradoxes of the visage in the digital era.Massimo Leone (ed.) - 2024 - New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
    This original and interdisciplinary volume explores the contemporary semiotic dimensions of the face from both scientific and socio-cultural perspectives, putting forward several traditions, aspects, and signs of the human utopia of creating a hybrid face. The book semiotically delves into the multifaceted realm of the digital face, exploring its biological and social functions, the concept of masks, the impact of COVID-19, AI systems, digital portraiture, symbolic faces in films, viral communication, alien depictions, personhood in video games, online intimacy, and digital (...)
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    Introduction to Semiotics of World Cultures.Massimo Leone - 2012 - Cultura 9 (2):7-12.
    Tourism industry is increasingly stripping traveling of one of its most fundamental anthropological and existential values: its being a laboratory in which travelerscan temporarily experience the disruption of their regime of sedentary belonging, protected by a plan of return. According to this perspective, non-touristy travelingis one of the best ways to test the limits of one’s tolerance to cultural diversity and acknowledge, as a consequence, the identity of one’s cultural and existential‘home.’ Yet, modern and contemporary travelogues mostly extol the traveler’s (...)
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    Semantics and complexity of abduction from default theories.Thomas Eiter, Georg Gottlob & Nicola Leone - 1997 - Artificial Intelligence 90 (1-2):177-223.
  36. «ΚΑI OΤΙ EΣΤΙ ΤΙΣ ΤΡΙΤΟΣ AΝΘΡΩΠΟΣ» (Aristotelis sophistici elenchi 22 178b36–179a10). Prolegomena to ancient history of the argument of 'third man'.Leone Gazziero - 2010 - Rhizai. A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science (2):181-220.
    Few arguments from the past have stirred up as much interest as Aristotle’s “Third man” and not so many texts have received as much attention as its account in chapter 22 of the Sophistici elenchi. And yet, several issues about both remain highly controversial, starting from the very nature of the argument at stake and the exact signification of some of its features. The essay provides a close commentary of the text, dealing with its main difficulties and suggesting an overall (...)
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    La Semaine Sainte des philosophes.Xavier Tilliette - 1992 - Paris: Desclée-Mame.
    Cet ouvrage est un essai, philosophique, théologique et spirituel à la fois. Il prolonge le sillage de la Christologie idéaliste (Desclée, 1986) et du Christ de la philosophie (Le Cerf, 1990). La Semaine Sainte, réduite en fait au Triduum pascal, est pour maints philosophes, croyants et non croyants, l'objet d'une réflexion intense, rattachée à un drame éternel. Elle suscite une méditation discontinue et pathétique sur l'agonie et la séparation, l'amour et la souffrance, le péché, le mal et la mort la (...)
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  38. The Latin “Third Man”. A Survey and Edition of Texts from the XIIIth Century.Leone Gazziero - 2012 - Cahiers de L’Institut du Moyen Age Grec Et Latin 81:11-93.
    Latin commentators came across the « Third Man » in Aristotle’s Sophistici elenchi. The way they dealt with the argument is a fair illustration of how they were both faithful to the text and innovative in their understanding of its most challenging issues. Besides providing a detailed survey of all manuscript sources, the introductory essay shows that Latin interpretation originates from a mistake in Boethius’ translation which radically transformed the argument. The edition makes available for the first time a considerable (...)
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    Infinity, Divine Transcendence and Immanence in Or Hashem.Alexander Leone - 2024 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 41 (1):177-182.
    Hasdai Crescas (1340-1411) fue un filósofo, rabino y figura pública que vivió en un período muy turbulento para las comunidades judías ibéricas y provenzales de la Baja Edad Media. Crescas lanzó una crítica vehemente contra el paradigma aristotélico recibido de la _falsafa_, que fue utilizado por Maimónides para sustentar y probar la existencia, unidad e incorporeidad de Dios, conceptualizado en la _Guía de los perplejos_ como el ser necesario absolutamente trascendente en relación con el ser contingente, es decir, el mundo. (...)
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    Did Giles of Rome Change His Mind Concerning Will and Intellect? An Inquiry into his interpretation of Moral Responsibility.Marialucrezia Leone - 2021 - Quaestio 20:159-186.
    In Giles of Rome, moral responsibility and human freedom are articulated taking into account the relation of will and intellect. For Giles, this topic appears to be particularly crucial and often recurs in his texts over the course of his career. According to some scholars, reacting to the academic and ecclesiastic circumstances, Giles increasingly favored the autonomy of the will in his ethics. That is to say, taking its starting point from an “intellectualistic interpretation” of the relation of the faculties (...)
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  41. Can an African-American historical archaeology be an alternative voice.Mark P. Leone, Paul R. Mullins, Marian C. Creveling, Laurence Hurst, Barbara Jackson-Nash, Lynn D. Jones, Hannah Jopling Kaiser, George C. Logan & Mark S. Warner - 1995 - In Ian Hodder (ed.), Interpreting archaeology: finding meaning in the past. New York: Routledge.
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    Gender and women’s studies in Italy: Looking back to look forward.Mariagrazia Leone & Sveva Magaraggia - 2010 - European Journal of Women's Studies 17 (4):425-429.
    Between the 1970s and the 1990s, women’s studies research and theoretical confrontations became common both inside and outside Italian universities, producing a substantial cultural and scientific inheritance. However, the teaching of such content had to follow an accidental path deprived of any institutional visibility. Women’s studies was forced to adapt itself to existing didactic structures, ‘hidden’ inside single courses and single disciplines, without being evident itself in the university. Only in the late 1990s did such studies become institutionally formalized. Nowadays, (...)
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    Henry of Ghent on Divine Law, Natural Law and Human Law.Marialucrezia Leone - 2014 - In Guy Guldentops & Andreas Speer (eds.), Das Gesetz - the Law - la Loi. De Gruyter. pp. 383-398.
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    Motility, Potentiality, and Infinity—A Semiotic Hypothesis on Nature and Religion.Massimo Leone - 2012 - Biosemiotics 5 (3):369-389.
    Against any obscurantist stand, denying the interest of natural sciences for the comprehension of human meaning and language, but also against any reductionist hypothesis, frustrating the specificity of the semiotic point of view on nature, the paper argues that the deepest dynamic at the basis of meaning consists in its being a mechanism of ‘potentiality navigation’ within a universe generally characterized by motility. On the one hand, such a hypothesis widens the sphere of meaning to all beings somehow endowed with (...)
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  45. Nicephori Gregorae ad imperatorem Andronicum II Paleologum Orationes.P. A. M. Leone - 1971 - Byzantion 41 (1971):497-519.
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    Searching for Contract (Law) in Europe.Candida Leone - 2022 - Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy 51 (1):48-57.
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    Topographies of Production in North African Cities during the Vandal and Byzantine Periods.Anna Leone - 2003 - In Luke A. Lavan & William Bowden (eds.), Theory and practice in late antique archaeology. Boston: Brill. pp. 1--257.
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    What Solidarity?Candida Leone - 2021 - Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy 50 (2):239-250.
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  49. Qui imperitus est vestrum, primus calculum omittat. Aristotelis sophistici elenchi 1 in the Boethian Tradition.Leone Gazziero - 2023 - Ad Argumenta 4:75-118.
    The prologue of the Sophistici elenchi is as close an Aristotelian text gets to dealing with language as a subject matter in its own right, only in reverse. Language and its features bear consideration to the extent that they account for some major predicaments discursive reasoning is prone to, both as a separate and as a common endeavour. That being said, the linguistic pitfalls that trick us into thinking that whatever is the case for words and word-compounds is also the (...)
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    The Semiotics of Fundamentalist Authoriality.Massimo Leone - 2013 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 26 (1):227-239.
    The essay seeks to single out, describe, and analyze the main semiotic features that compose the fundamentalist understanding of authoriality. Given a definition of authoriality as the series of semiotic dynamics that induce a reader to posit a genetic relation between an author and a text, the fundamentalist authoriality is characterized as displaying six main traits. First, centrality of the written text: in order to postulate a perfect coincidence between a transcendent intentio auctoris (intention of the author) and an immanent (...)
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